Thursday, June 14, 2007

Before Life Gets the Upper Hand

My life is about to become very, very busy, so before it gets away from me, I want to get some things updated...

Today, my dad had a heart catheterization. They found a 99% blockage in the back of his heart, and discovered that the blockage which originally resulted in his heart attack, is now completely blocked and cannot be repaired. The doctor told him that in the meantime, new arteries had grown and filled in and taken over to some degree and have been supplying the viable part of his heart with blood. So, he will be scheduled for surgery in Ft Wayne to have a stent put into the back of his heart. Along with the catheterization, is the complication of the dye used because of his kidney failure. He was put on a medication prior to the cath today that will help flush the dye out and try to make things easier for his kidneys to process. He's had all these building projects (including helping around our house) that are going to be put on the back burner for awhile, and HOPEFULLY he can be "good" and just devote more time being with his family & friends & fishing!!!

I did not forget to mention, but rather delayed mentioning, that last week, Dave's wife Lyn's, sister Kathy, passed away from an aneurysm. Last Saturday, 6/9, was Caden's 2nd birthday, but they spent the morning at a funeral. It was very rough on their family, as you can imagine. Kathy was only in her 40's and left a husband and 2 sons (ages 14 & 7). We would see Kathy at birthday parties for Dave's kids, and she came with her mom & their sister, Lori, to Claira's baby shower. I know there is nothing that can be said to make someone feel better when they lose a loved one, but I want Lyn to know that I love her and I'm glad she's family!!!

Starting June 19, I'll be having biweekly ultrasound/biophysical profiles, and non-stress tests for Kaity - she's due 8/12, but I think we can expect her to arrive towards the end of July... We shall see.

June 24 begins the crazy summer season for my job, and I will work several Sundays and pretty well make sure things in our Master of American History & Government degree program are running smoothly. I've got great student interns here for support - and of course, our awesome MAHG administrators. Before long, I'll be in the throes of summer, then the throes of labor, and life will change once again!!!

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