Monday, May 21, 2007

Monday Morning

Miss Claira spent the night at her Mama Taylor's last night because I had to be at the hospital this morning at 7:00 am for the 1 hour glucose screen. I set my alarm last night for 5:05 am and THEN could NOT get comfortable, soooooo at midnight I as up taking a warm bath which finally settled "whatever" it was keeping me awake, and I finally drifted off to sleep. I opened my eyes and looked at my clock: 6:15 am!!! Panic - ripped my clothes off - washed my hair - had to iron my pants and drive like a madwoman to get to the hospital 35 minutes away...

Got there - 10 minutes late - only had to wait another 10 minutes - and drank down the mostly-flat Orange Crush tasting syrup they make you drink... All in all, it really wasn't too bad. Kaity didn't even seem to FREAK OUT about all the sugar, well, not for a couple of hours anyway, and even then, she has seemed pretty okay with it. That's good. I can remember Claira having a party after I took the first sugar test with her... My next appt is 6/4, and HOPEFULLY I don't have to go to the 3 hour sugar test later.

The weekend was really nice. Took Claira to her cousin Kyle's T-ball game on Saturday - she saw all the boys out there on the baseball diamond and waved her hand and said, "Hi Kids!" She LOVES people!!!! Yesterday we went to her cousin Emma's dance recital and I think Claira put on as GOOD a show as we saw on stage. She was dancing and rocking to the music. At one point, she was trying to copy the arm and leg movements and jumping and turning circles!!! So, when she's old enough, I think it's definitely something we'll pursue for her - she was QUITE happy with the music and dancing...

Got most of my garden planted: cherry tomatoes, 2 kinds of watermelon (sort of an experiment), and a row of mixed lettuce. Got my orange peppers started in a pot indoors since it's not quite warm enough, and then I'll plant my zucchini next weekend. Last year, I had HUGE success with some little yellow "cherry" tomatoes - they were AMAZING - even Claira was eating them off the vine - but we couldn't find them this year, so we went with some "sugary" cherry tomatoes.

A pair of bunnies have proliferated somewhere in our back yard (or under Kevin's shed next door) and have had 6 babies. I imagine my little garden may help feed them on occasion - which is okay, as long as we can have SOME produce for ourselves. =)

Having a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions lately. Weekends bring them on - probably because A) I'm doing more moving around and getting things done and B) I don't drink as much water on the weekends as I do at work... So, I'm trying to think about those two things and Greg has been very helpful with moving laundry from floor to floor and carrying Claira when she needs it.

Little Miss THANG has more attitude than I think I've ever had, so for those of you who have ever had to put up with my drama and attitude - I'M REALLY SORRY. Lol... Actually, she's a fun kid (for the most part) and is really way smarter than Greg & I think we probably are, so we can't let on that we think she is smarter, or that will be the end of us... sigh...

Have been taking lots of pics with our regular camera - and just need to get a few rolls developed and some digital copies so I can post pics online. My parents are coming down for Memorial Day weekend and we'll be doing some "getting ready for Kaity" activities, and enjoying some DOWN time, as well...

1 comment:

cafegirl said...

Okay girlfriend...first of all, I know I have TWO kids and all, but you have a toddler AND you're can you get all that done in one weekend? I'm truly amazed at your energy! Slow down, though, because you don't want Kaity to come too early! Love connecting like this!!!! Dawn