Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Lot Going On

Well, this is late, but Happy Mother's Day to my friends who are mothers. I really got to celebrate this year and it was a lovely weekend! Greg, Claira & I drove up to my parent's house Friday night and spent most of Saturday with them. We were able to have a late lunch with Dave & his family and got to visit a little with them. Saturday evening, Greg drove us up along the Lake Erie coastline and we found a nice hotel where we spent the night. It was right at the lake's edge and was very peaceful and relaxing. I enjoyed the view of the water and the sound of the waves and seagulls - if it hadn't been so windy, I could have spent the entire evening right there outside watching and listening... We got up in the morning and found a pretty yummy breakfast buffet and drove home. We had Sunday lunch with Greg's parents and Kevin's family - and enjoyed a mostly nice day together. All in all, it was a lovely weekend. Having the time with Greg & Claira to celebrate Mother's Day was really special to me.

Mikhael Shane graduated from high school yesterday. WOOHOO!!! Congratulations, Mikhael!!! He had several friends and family members who were planning to stay and be there to celebrate with him. We were sorry we could not be there, too, but I thought about him all day yesterday and how proud I am that he accomplished this. I can remember my graduation day - it was quite an accomplishment to me - and I hope he is proud of himself and the hard work he put in to reach that goal. My understanding is that he will be out of town for the summer, and then plans to go back in the fall to start at college. He & I haven't been able to connect in recent days so I don't have the nitty gritty details just yet...

Without divulging TMI - Claira has been having problems for some time with constipation - we are on a "regimen" of sorts to help get that taken care of, and it's been a rather unpleasant week so far. She is being mostly good considering some of the ordeal, but it has been tough and I've wanted to "run away from home" several times. It's horrible when your child suffers (can I get an Amen, sistas?) and when you have to inflict some discomfort in order to help her in the end (no pun intended...) but it appears she does seem to be improving and we'll get through it.

[FYI -I had a ridiculous ordeal getting a prescription filled at Walmart Monday evening - after working most of the day, being late to her appt because of a semi wreck on the highway, standing in line for 20 minutes at the rx counter AFTER I'd dropped off the prescription and spent 40 minutes filling my shopping cart full of groceries (including popsicles & frozen meals), a daughter screaming and crying because she NEEDED her medicine, my feet were throbbing, and I was having Braxton Hicks contractions that would not let up until I got us & everything else into the car and guzzled some white raspberry tea and scarfed some pnut M&Ms. Claira cried almost the entire time home because she was hurting so bad, and it was an absolutely FRAZZLING evening and I'm going to be glad when things settle down...]

Greg is finishing up his job in Sandusky this week and starting his job in Mansfield - so that is a transition taking place, but things seem to be moving well for him. I'm really glad and he seems to be really settling into counseling and working with people. He appears to be much more satisfied with work and I'm happy for him!

Today is my brother Dave's 29th bday!!! I can't hardly believe it. I remember when he was born - and UGH it makes me old to realize it was 29 years ago!!! Happy Birthday Dave. And I did NOT break your arm... XOXOXO

1 comment:

cafegirl said...

Hi Deb - Sorry for the trouble you are going through with Claira. A friend of mine had some issues like you are describing with her daughter. They had to use cod liver oil 2x per day. UGH! Bella actually takes that now, but it's flavored, from the naturepath (sp???) and it's in pill form, tastes like strawberries. She LOVES it! It's her vitamins. :) Anyhooo, I'm trying the blogging thing. I have attached my blog. It's not good like yours, but I'm attempting it...