Thursday, December 28, 2006

Our Holidays

We spent Friday-Sunday with the Baker's and had a nice family get together Friday evening (12/22). We stayed with my brother Dan & his family and it was a really nice, very relaxing time. We enjoyed ourselves a lot and Claira loved playing with her bigger cousins.

We had Christmas breakfast with the Taylor's and it was a really nice time. The kids enjoyed opening their gifts and Claira was into Emma & Kyle's guitars! We got to have a nice nap, but woke up to Claira with a fever.

We were in the emergency room with her Tuesday morning for several hours - the doctor thought maybe it was croup because of her barky-cough, BUT instead, she tested positive for strep throat... I'm wondering if that's what I had the week before, but they didn't take a throat culture then, and still gave me an antibiotic which took care of most of it.

Needless to say, yesterday (Wednesday) was our worst day. I felt HORRIBLE, and although Greg had the day off he was in & out trying to find a toilet to replace our (only) broken one and had an appointment with his counseling supervisor in the afternoon. Claira & I did take a LONG nap in the afternoon and although I had to sleep in the recliner I got to sleep for 5 hours straight for the first time in weeks. The nightly trips to the restroom have been mixed with a very restless Claira for the past several weeks, and I enjoyed the rest. Greg stayed home with us today just to help, and it has helped a lot.

So, Claira is on antibiotics, I'm trying to force fluids with both of us (my sinusitis is lingering) and that with a broken toilet... (which IS being replaced tomorrow morning)...

Needless to say, I am glad we had this week off from work, because i"d have had to call in several days anyway. =) Mixed blessings...

Hope your holidays were happy & healthy.

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