Monday, December 18, 2006

My Husband Deserves a Parade

My husband really deserves a parade. Since he finished his classes last week (Thank you, Jesus!!!), he has been SOOOOOOOO amazing at home. He has actually taken over some household chores and seems to have made them his own! (Feel the drums pounding???)

Saturday morning he was required to work overtime in Columbus, and Claira & I were left to our own devices. For the most part, we did well, but as the day wore on, we began to butt heads. Claira had not been sleeping through the night all week and ALL of us were exhausted. When Greg got home after being gone about 8 hours, Claira & I were being a bit cranky with each other and Greg asked how he could help. I don't remember what I said, but the next thing I heard was, "Well, why don't you go take a nap and I'll take care of Claira." WOW - what magical words to my sleep deprived ears. I could have cried right there on the spot, but I didn't. I just took myself up to bed and slept. It felt SO good. When I got up, Greg said he was making dinner - and despite the fact that we simply didn't like the fish (through no fault of Greg's), it was REALLY nice! (Yep, I'm hearing the brass section now! GO TUBA!)

Sunday morning I wasn't feeling so hot - I've got a yukky cough - and Greg helped with Claira and with me - put dishes away, and made supper AGAIN that night!!! We managed to get our Christmas tree up (despite Claira's help) and it looks really pretty in our living room. (Yep, I can see the batons twirling and the colorguards' flags flying now!)

He told me I can't clean the bathroom anymore (cuz of the cleaner fumes) and that he would do it. Said he would help with laundry, too. (Wow, those trumpets are LOUD!!!)

He has been so sweet & attentive - I already feel very spoiled, and had to brag on him!!! (Yeah, no scantily clad cheerleaders for this band - I'll take care of that part...)

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