So we packed up the car on Saturday and headed down to see her. Greg got Yahoo! driving directions which took us through some mighty scary territory (he said it was scarier than parts of Kentucky he's been in...) and as we wound our way deeper & deeper into what appeared to be the middle of nowhere, we finally found the place.

Yep - she's just a cutie pie - the tiniest little thing - and funny. She bounces & jumps when she runs (tigger-like), she snorts and rolls over when she gets to running too fast (clown-like) and she LOVES to cuddle (baby-like). Claira is both overwhelmed & excited to see her and to play with her. We named her Madison Louise (I don't know why the Louise, it just sounds like a good name to add and she has to have a middle name - especially when we have to yell "Madison Louise!"). We may change the spelling, but we call her "Maddie" for now. She has a kennel-crate and a pen so she has her own place downstairs.
She is learning to paper train and we hope to get her litter box trained since she will only be about 15 lbs at the maximum, and will make "potty-breaks" easier for all of us whenever it is frigid or sweltering outside. She only yelped the first night when we had her sleeping in her crate, but now that she's set up with her crate inside a pen and can come & go as she pleases, she's more content.
We're glad to have her in our family and to have a playmate & friend for Claira!
So glad you updated. I miss seeing your news.
Ole Taylor had a farm... e-i-e-i-o
Your garden looks great! Maddie looks like she is content too, just wait until she starts chasing the chickens - lol!! (smile) Hope Claira has a great birthday! We are sending a couple of dresses for her birthday from us.
Awww...cute puppy! They are so fun.
Great lookin' puppy dog! Such a cutie! Glad you were able to find a suitable pet for Ms. Claira!
Love -
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