the Princess

Darrel, Izac, Mikhael, Claira, Cyndi

Greg, Mikhael, Claira, me

Splash Time

Who is related here???

Sleepy Beauty?

Sleeping Beauty!

Such a sweetheart!

This is a blog about my life with my sweet husband and growing daughters in our Kingdom of Love. Whenever anybody asked me as a child what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said I wanted to be a Wife & Mother (and let's be honest, I want to be Queen). Now that I find my dream coming true, this is my blog as I work my way through the trials & challenges, blessings and great rewards in my marriage and mommyhood. ~All you who put your hope in the Lord be strong and brave.~ Psalm 31:24
1 comment:
Thanks so much for blessing our home with your joyful presence! We love you!
Cyndi, Darrel, Mikhael (Bubba) & Izac (mini me)
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