Thursday, July 26, 2007

She's HEEEEeeeerrrrrreeeeee!!!

After several hours of labor (and the relief of a blessed MAGIC of an epidural), Kaitlyn Isabel Taylor, made her entrance into the world on Tuesday, July 17 at 4:37 pm. She was born with a thick head of dark hair, dark blue eyes, long fingers and toes - and a big sister who cannot get enough of her.

In the true spirit and sense of adventure inspired by her mother, Kaity made a pit stop on the way home from the hospital at Panera Bread and Cold Stone Creamery...

Kaity spent a couple of days at a hospital in Mansfield for phototherapy due to Jaundice. She came out still looking like she's been on a Caribbean cruise - while her mother looks (and feels) somewhat less rested...

We are all happy to have Kaity here and are adjusting to our new family member. Daddy has gone back to work and is suffering withdrawals from all of his girls, as we are from him...

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Family Restrooms

For the faint of heart, please do not read this - I'm a mom and dealing with pee & poop in any form and at any time is apparently one of my responsibilities... Seriously - I am not sure what lesson God is trying to teach me, but being up to my elbows in pee & poop is NOT fun.

In the past 10 days, I have had to take Claira to a public restroom after she has peed all over the floor / shopping cart / miscellaneous items in the cart, etc., FOUR separate times. Four. The most recent occurrence took the cake and I literally almost went psycho-pregnant- hormonal-crazy-lady on someone...

We are attempting to potty train Claira. She will tell us (on occasion) when she wants to go - she will go several times without needing a diaper or pull up - and then she gets busy playing or watching TV and doesn't mind relying on her diaper. Cant' blame her - she's not quite 2, so we're only pushing lightly - and she's getting the hang of it.

HOWEVER - going into the public realm seems to beg for other disturbing and traumatic events. Keep in mind that I am now 35 weeks pregnant. Also keep in mind that Claira is very tall and built very solidly at her young age so carrying her is really not an option for me at the moment. Twice now at Wal-mart and once at Joann fabrics, I have been on my way to the women's or family restroom in the very back of the store to change Claira's diaper, and we have found it necessary to call for the "Spill Team" to clean up either a trail or a puddle that has collected underneath the cart Claira is sitting in. I have found myself BAWLING in the restroom because the baby wipes &/or extra clothes that I thought were packed in the diaper bag are not to be found, and I get to improvise...

The last and fourth time was Friday evening. Claira & I were at Wal-mart after I'd gotten my hair cut. She had just filled her diaper with an unpleasant substance, and I headed back to the FAMILY restroom. I stopped by the baby department to pick up one of those travel packs of wipes, because AGAIN, the travel pack in the diaper bag was missing.

The family restroom seems to always be located at the VERY back of the store. I arrived to find the restroom occupied by a male, considering the voice who responded when I knocked. Now, I know the reason they have these family restrooms is for such an instance when a parent, male or female, requires a little more room and some kind of privacy to handle theirs or their childrens' bathroom needs. I pushed the cart into the game aisle and we walked around for several minutes waiting for the aforementioned occupant to exit. I returned, knocked on the door again - still locked. In the meantime, 2 other SINGLE individuals attempted to enter said restroom (while I am standing RIGHT THERE) only to find it locked. By the second person, I was pretty well calling my place in line OUT LOUD and staking my claim to the family restroom.

While standing outside the locked door, Claira grabbed at her stomach and started saying "Owie" and proceeded to pee ALL OVER THE FLOOR. Bless her heart. She couldn't stop if she wanted to. So now, there is a pee puddle all over the floor - the cart is wet, and I am really at my wits' end. I knock AGAIN on the door - no response - and start to think that I should call for a manager to check on the bathroom in case someone is unconscious, OR if somehow the door was locked as the last person exited. The "cherry on top" experience came, when a Wal-Mart associate - a single female - attempted to walk into the family restroom - while I was standing at the door waiting. I thought I was going to scream.

My child is soaking wet - she is poopy - the floor is wet - the plastic wipe case I'm going to purchase and haven't even opened yet is wet - and this lady thinks she's going to use the FAMILY restroom while I'm standing right there??? I said to her - "I'm in line for that restroom." She didn't even look at me and just went into the women's restroom.

Just when I was ready to start crying - ONLY because I am 35 weeks pregnant and hormones are wreaking havoc on my body & emotions - the door to the family restroom opens. Out walks a young male - probably 16 years old, who cranes his neack and GLARES AT ME - most likely assuming that I've been the one who kept trying the locked door to get in. I'm telling you right now, if he had opened his mouth to say one smart-mouthed thing to me - I would have gone psycho-pregnant-hormonal-crazy-lady on him right there in the back of walmart with my child sitting in her sopping wet cart and diaper and clothes, and would have welcomed a light jail sentence - in isolation - free of poopy diapers and inconsiderate morons who think the family restroom is to be used by anyone at anytime.

Can I be honest? The length of time the young man spent in there, had me thinking I'd better take a DEEP breath before I walked in because he MUST have been having some issues. But no - no malodorous presence was waiting. So then I started wondering what took him so freakin' long in there and then I figured I probably didn't really want to know...

So I've decided as much as I love being with Claira and shopping with Claira, in order to save my sanity, I may have to avoid - at all costs - trips to Walmart with Claira.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Independence Day

The 4th of July has always been, and will always be, one of my very favorite holidays. I have always loved history, and learning about our Founding Fathers, flaws & all, inspired me to believe that being an American is an honor & privilege.

The signers of the Declaration of Independence, much scrutinized, criticized, and mythologized (new word of the day?), were men of great courage. Whatever their personal background, religious beliefs, occupations, fortunes, or reputations - they all came together in one common belief and decided to stand in the face of tyranny, despite the probable hardship it would cause each of them and likely, their families.

I have to wonder if they had even a SMALL clue of what their stand would mean in the end - TRULY. Knowing that John Hancock signed his name in such a large flourish, not because he was conceited or had a high opinion of himself, but because he wanted to ensure that King George could read his name without the use of glasses, makes me laugh out loud. Not because it is funny, but because he had some big cajones. This man wanted to be sure that King George could name him a "traitor" without any hesitation or doubt. In many ways, I enjoy the irony and "nah-nah-nah-na-nah-nah" attitude he took.

Our Founding Fathers have come under much criticism - especially lately - because at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence they did not outlaw slavery or press for women's rights. But what these men did, in fact, was to ensure that those issues could be addressed later: by the people, and for the people. It is impossible to expect that they would have addressed every injustice in one document, and they hoped that this was only the beginning. And it was. In fact, they changed the world - as they knew it and as we know it now. I believe they did it for themselves and their children - but I don't think they could have understood just how fully they impacted the millions who came after.

I work for a man who fled Nazi invasion as a child with his family in the 1950's from Hungary. Tyrrany & oppression & death. The story of his escape to America is really amazing and always touches my heart. Peter Schramm has lived in America for most of his life, and still laughs and shakes his heads at "You Americans" when we engage in our very American way of life. My favorite part of Peter's story is this:

My mother tells me, though I don’t remember saying this, that I told my father I would follow him to hell if he asked it of me. Fortunately for my eager spirit, hell was exactly what we were trying to escape and the opposite of what my father sought.

"But where are we going?" I asked.

"We are going to America," my father said.

"Why America?" I prodded.

"Because, son. We were born Americans, but in the wrong place," he replied.

Peter cries for America. He calls himself an American, but has a profound respect for those of us born here. He is both our greatest supporter and loudest critic for what we Born Americans do with the great heritage we've been given in our country. You can read the rest of his story here:

I was raised by a man, a Marine who PROUDLY served his country, in a war that nearly ripped America apart. Where previous wars had produced "soldier heroes" who came home to parades, Vietnam produced "soldier baby-killers" who came home to spitting & disrespectful protestors. I don't share the belief that Vietnam soldiers were a disgrace to their country, although I have read many books & articles on the subject and understand only a small portion of the horror that the Vietnam War inflicted on the nation of Vietnam and the Americans who were called to serve there.

I am not here to convince anyone of anything about the Vietnam War, but neither will I tolerate the questioning of the patriotism and love of country any Vietnam veteran professes. My dad carries scars from the war, both seen and unseen, both blatantly obvious (as is his diabetes from exposure to Agent Orange) and well-hidden under layers and layers of self-protective defense mechanisms. I will never understand even a small part my dad went through - but I understand his motivation because I asked him about it. I understand that his time served was based on a deeply-rooted sense of honor & pride & obligation to His Country and to the Freedom it stands for.

Of the very rare and few times I have seen my father cry, all but ONCE, he cried about his love for his country. He wore his uniform with pride as he served in both the USMC and USAF, and regardless of what school textbooks and "experts" have to say about Vietnam, I know my dad is a Hero and a Patriot, and I celebrate this day especially for him.