Got my glucose test results back and apparently failed miserably. Doctor said the results were "terrible" and I need to start monitoring my sugar. I'm getting a glucometer & test strips, sheets to record everything on, and have a consultation with a nutritionist next week. So, some things will be changing in our house, and until I've met with the dr & nutritionist I'm kinda in limbo and just trying to watch my sugar / carb intake until I know more. Loverly. No more starbucks (I will survive) and will just take it one day at a time...
Planning Greg's graduation party on Saturday afternoon - He's actually walking the line Saturday morning and I'm SOOOOO excited!!! I'm really proud of him and keep threatening to embarrass him at graduation by yelling & holding up signs, but won't do anything TOO embarrassing... He's adjusting to his new job - his hours suck right now, but hopefully in time, they'll become more "normal" and regular and things will even out.
Claira is hitting the terrible twos. Can that happen BEFORE she turns two??? She's not terrible - she just has some real sassiness (I can't take ALL the blame for that) and is starting to throw fits - it's getting interesting... But she's mostly sweet and cuddly and funny and we just try to get through those difficult moments when they happen and enjoy everything else. She's putting sentences together every day and it's fun being able to talk with her. I've got more recent pics and will try to get them uploaded soon.
Kaity is having a party in utero at the moment - can't tell if she's doing the Bump or the Hustle - but she's a mover & shaker right now. =) Can't wait to see her!!!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Little Miss Sunshine
First, I need to brag on Greg a little bit. Yesterday, his work schedule was a little light, so he stayed home part of the day and I walked into a VERY neat & straightened house last night!!! It was SO great! We're in the midst of upgrading our basement - the paneling has been ripped off the walls, and part of the insulation in one area where we had a small leak. There are little piles of rubble from the demolition in various spots throughout the basement, and he & his dad moved some bigger items out Sunday night - and then yesterday, he sorted & cleaned up & straightened the kitchen & living room and it was just REALLY fantastic... Thank you, Honey!!!

Here's our Little Miss Sunshine... This is from Mother's Day Weekend. She really likes having her picture taken, which is helpful, but always wants to "see" the picture afterwards. Since she's used to digital cameras, she doesn't "get it" when she can't see her pic on a regular one...
Greg & I Mother's Day weekend. I'm at 26 weeks in this picture. Mom took me shopping at Fashion Bug and I found some great tops that weren't maternity tops, but because of the "fashion" of the day, I can pass them off as maternity tops. WOOHOO!!! I hate spending money on maternity clothes that I'll only wear for a couple of months and not be able to use more long term, so that was a good deal - this is one of those tops...

Every child should know where their "Inner Goofy" comes from, don't you think???

Here's our Little Miss Sunshine... This is from Mother's Day Weekend. She really likes having her picture taken, which is helpful, but always wants to "see" the picture afterwards. Since she's used to digital cameras, she doesn't "get it" when she can't see her pic on a regular one...

Greg & I Mother's Day weekend. I'm at 26 weeks in this picture. Mom took me shopping at Fashion Bug and I found some great tops that weren't maternity tops, but because of the "fashion" of the day, I can pass them off as maternity tops. WOOHOO!!! I hate spending money on maternity clothes that I'll only wear for a couple of months and not be able to use more long term, so that was a good deal - this is one of those tops...

Every child should know where their "Inner Goofy" comes from, don't you think???
Monday, May 21, 2007
Monday Morning
Miss Claira spent the night at her Mama Taylor's last night because I had to be at the hospital this morning at 7:00 am for the 1 hour glucose screen. I set my alarm last night for 5:05 am and THEN could NOT get comfortable, soooooo at midnight I as up taking a warm bath which finally settled "whatever" it was keeping me awake, and I finally drifted off to sleep. I opened my eyes and looked at my clock: 6:15 am!!! Panic - ripped my clothes off - washed my hair - had to iron my pants and drive like a madwoman to get to the hospital 35 minutes away...
Got there - 10 minutes late - only had to wait another 10 minutes - and drank down the mostly-flat Orange Crush tasting syrup they make you drink... All in all, it really wasn't too bad. Kaity didn't even seem to FREAK OUT about all the sugar, well, not for a couple of hours anyway, and even then, she has seemed pretty okay with it. That's good. I can remember Claira having a party after I took the first sugar test with her... My next appt is 6/4, and HOPEFULLY I don't have to go to the 3 hour sugar test later.
The weekend was really nice. Took Claira to her cousin Kyle's T-ball game on Saturday - she saw all the boys out there on the baseball diamond and waved her hand and said, "Hi Kids!" She LOVES people!!!! Yesterday we went to her cousin Emma's dance recital and I think Claira put on as GOOD a show as we saw on stage. She was dancing and rocking to the music. At one point, she was trying to copy the arm and leg movements and jumping and turning circles!!! So, when she's old enough, I think it's definitely something we'll pursue for her - she was QUITE happy with the music and dancing...
Got most of my garden planted: cherry tomatoes, 2 kinds of watermelon (sort of an experiment), and a row of mixed lettuce. Got my orange peppers started in a pot indoors since it's not quite warm enough, and then I'll plant my zucchini next weekend. Last year, I had HUGE success with some little yellow "cherry" tomatoes - they were AMAZING - even Claira was eating them off the vine - but we couldn't find them this year, so we went with some "sugary" cherry tomatoes.
A pair of bunnies have proliferated somewhere in our back yard (or under Kevin's shed next door) and have had 6 babies. I imagine my little garden may help feed them on occasion - which is okay, as long as we can have SOME produce for ourselves. =)
Having a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions lately. Weekends bring them on - probably because A) I'm doing more moving around and getting things done and B) I don't drink as much water on the weekends as I do at work... So, I'm trying to think about those two things and Greg has been very helpful with moving laundry from floor to floor and carrying Claira when she needs it.
Little Miss THANG has more attitude than I think I've ever had, so for those of you who have ever had to put up with my drama and attitude - I'M REALLY SORRY. Lol... Actually, she's a fun kid (for the most part) and is really way smarter than Greg & I think we probably are, so we can't let on that we think she is smarter, or that will be the end of us... sigh...
Have been taking lots of pics with our regular camera - and just need to get a few rolls developed and some digital copies so I can post pics online. My parents are coming down for Memorial Day weekend and we'll be doing some "getting ready for Kaity" activities, and enjoying some DOWN time, as well...
Got there - 10 minutes late - only had to wait another 10 minutes - and drank down the mostly-flat Orange Crush tasting syrup they make you drink... All in all, it really wasn't too bad. Kaity didn't even seem to FREAK OUT about all the sugar, well, not for a couple of hours anyway, and even then, she has seemed pretty okay with it. That's good. I can remember Claira having a party after I took the first sugar test with her... My next appt is 6/4, and HOPEFULLY I don't have to go to the 3 hour sugar test later.
The weekend was really nice. Took Claira to her cousin Kyle's T-ball game on Saturday - she saw all the boys out there on the baseball diamond and waved her hand and said, "Hi Kids!" She LOVES people!!!! Yesterday we went to her cousin Emma's dance recital and I think Claira put on as GOOD a show as we saw on stage. She was dancing and rocking to the music. At one point, she was trying to copy the arm and leg movements and jumping and turning circles!!! So, when she's old enough, I think it's definitely something we'll pursue for her - she was QUITE happy with the music and dancing...
Got most of my garden planted: cherry tomatoes, 2 kinds of watermelon (sort of an experiment), and a row of mixed lettuce. Got my orange peppers started in a pot indoors since it's not quite warm enough, and then I'll plant my zucchini next weekend. Last year, I had HUGE success with some little yellow "cherry" tomatoes - they were AMAZING - even Claira was eating them off the vine - but we couldn't find them this year, so we went with some "sugary" cherry tomatoes.
A pair of bunnies have proliferated somewhere in our back yard (or under Kevin's shed next door) and have had 6 babies. I imagine my little garden may help feed them on occasion - which is okay, as long as we can have SOME produce for ourselves. =)
Having a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions lately. Weekends bring them on - probably because A) I'm doing more moving around and getting things done and B) I don't drink as much water on the weekends as I do at work... So, I'm trying to think about those two things and Greg has been very helpful with moving laundry from floor to floor and carrying Claira when she needs it.
Little Miss THANG has more attitude than I think I've ever had, so for those of you who have ever had to put up with my drama and attitude - I'M REALLY SORRY. Lol... Actually, she's a fun kid (for the most part) and is really way smarter than Greg & I think we probably are, so we can't let on that we think she is smarter, or that will be the end of us... sigh...
Have been taking lots of pics with our regular camera - and just need to get a few rolls developed and some digital copies so I can post pics online. My parents are coming down for Memorial Day weekend and we'll be doing some "getting ready for Kaity" activities, and enjoying some DOWN time, as well...
Friday, May 18, 2007
Babies Don't Keep
My friend Dawn has started her own blog - and I've added her link to the side. I've only had a chance to read one of her posts, but I'm really excited that she's undertaken the "project"...
This has been quite a week. I nearly had a nervous breakdown yesterday and ended up just bawling after a very rough morning which ended with my slamming Claira's fingers in the bathroom door after discovering she was playing in the toilet. Again. So I took her to Mama's - went back home and slept and eventually made my way into work.
And my work schedule changed this week - we're working our summer hours (7:30a - 4:00p) which is FABULOUS once we get into the routine, but getting INTO the routine in the midst of potty training a daughter who does NOT really like to be awakened by anyone, and losing more sleep because of it - it's very frustrating and difficult this week.
There are moments that no matter where I am or who I have in my life I feel completely alone and overwhelmed by life's everyday circumstances. And sometimes, I just need to scream at the top of my lungs and let go of responsibility. I would love to "run away from home" right now. Not to leave my husband or daughter - that's not what I mean. I just want to run away from laundry and dishes, potty training and diapers, a messy house that I can't seem to ever get under control (with the chaos that only contributes to my feeling overwhelmed), and a job that gets busier in the summer which is when I HAPPEN to be due to have daughter #2. Sometimes the pressure is simply unbearable and I don't want to be nice anymore and I don't want to do anything for anyone else and I just want to sit and have someone take care of ME for a week...
I had a dream yesterday morning while I was napping and these random guys were coming into my house bringing shopping bags full of clothes and racks full of shoes - and in my dream, I walked over and picked up this really cute pair of sandals and just started BAWLING because it was so nice to feel that pampered. And it was only a pair of shoes.
So I pamper myself. Paint my toenails pink. Get my starbucks when I can. Use my chocolate-scented body lotion from Bath & Body works which makes me feel delicious. Prop my feet up in the recliner at night for a good 30 minutes to get the swelling to go down and TRY to ignore the basket of folded clothes that should be put away...
So I try to remember: Settle down cobwebs, dust go to sleep, I'm rocking my babies, and babies don't keep...
This has been quite a week. I nearly had a nervous breakdown yesterday and ended up just bawling after a very rough morning which ended with my slamming Claira's fingers in the bathroom door after discovering she was playing in the toilet. Again. So I took her to Mama's - went back home and slept and eventually made my way into work.
And my work schedule changed this week - we're working our summer hours (7:30a - 4:00p) which is FABULOUS once we get into the routine, but getting INTO the routine in the midst of potty training a daughter who does NOT really like to be awakened by anyone, and losing more sleep because of it - it's very frustrating and difficult this week.
There are moments that no matter where I am or who I have in my life I feel completely alone and overwhelmed by life's everyday circumstances. And sometimes, I just need to scream at the top of my lungs and let go of responsibility. I would love to "run away from home" right now. Not to leave my husband or daughter - that's not what I mean. I just want to run away from laundry and dishes, potty training and diapers, a messy house that I can't seem to ever get under control (with the chaos that only contributes to my feeling overwhelmed), and a job that gets busier in the summer which is when I HAPPEN to be due to have daughter #2. Sometimes the pressure is simply unbearable and I don't want to be nice anymore and I don't want to do anything for anyone else and I just want to sit and have someone take care of ME for a week...
I had a dream yesterday morning while I was napping and these random guys were coming into my house bringing shopping bags full of clothes and racks full of shoes - and in my dream, I walked over and picked up this really cute pair of sandals and just started BAWLING because it was so nice to feel that pampered. And it was only a pair of shoes.
So I pamper myself. Paint my toenails pink. Get my starbucks when I can. Use my chocolate-scented body lotion from Bath & Body works which makes me feel delicious. Prop my feet up in the recliner at night for a good 30 minutes to get the swelling to go down and TRY to ignore the basket of folded clothes that should be put away...
So I try to remember: Settle down cobwebs, dust go to sleep, I'm rocking my babies, and babies don't keep...
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
A Lot Going On
Well, this is late, but Happy Mother's Day to my friends who are mothers. I really got to celebrate this year and it was a lovely weekend! Greg, Claira & I drove up to my parent's house Friday night and spent most of Saturday with them. We were able to have a late lunch with Dave & his family and got to visit a little with them. Saturday evening, Greg drove us up along the Lake Erie coastline and we found a nice hotel where we spent the night. It was right at the lake's edge and was very peaceful and relaxing. I enjoyed the view of the water and the sound of the waves and seagulls - if it hadn't been so windy, I could have spent the entire evening right there outside watching and listening... We got up in the morning and found a pretty yummy breakfast buffet and drove home. We had Sunday lunch with Greg's parents and Kevin's family - and enjoyed a mostly nice day together. All in all, it was a lovely weekend. Having the time with Greg & Claira to celebrate Mother's Day was really special to me.
Mikhael Shane graduated from high school yesterday. WOOHOO!!! Congratulations, Mikhael!!! He had several friends and family members who were planning to stay and be there to celebrate with him. We were sorry we could not be there, too, but I thought about him all day yesterday and how proud I am that he accomplished this. I can remember my graduation day - it was quite an accomplishment to me - and I hope he is proud of himself and the hard work he put in to reach that goal. My understanding is that he will be out of town for the summer, and then plans to go back in the fall to start at college. He & I haven't been able to connect in recent days so I don't have the nitty gritty details just yet...
Without divulging TMI - Claira has been having problems for some time with constipation - we are on a "regimen" of sorts to help get that taken care of, and it's been a rather unpleasant week so far. She is being mostly good considering some of the ordeal, but it has been tough and I've wanted to "run away from home" several times. It's horrible when your child suffers (can I get an Amen, sistas?) and when you have to inflict some discomfort in order to help her in the end (no pun intended...) but it appears she does seem to be improving and we'll get through it.
[FYI -I had a ridiculous ordeal getting a prescription filled at Walmart Monday evening - after working most of the day, being late to her appt because of a semi wreck on the highway, standing in line for 20 minutes at the rx counter AFTER I'd dropped off the prescription and spent 40 minutes filling my shopping cart full of groceries (including popsicles & frozen meals), a daughter screaming and crying because she NEEDED her medicine, my feet were throbbing, and I was having Braxton Hicks contractions that would not let up until I got us & everything else into the car and guzzled some white raspberry tea and scarfed some pnut M&Ms. Claira cried almost the entire time home because she was hurting so bad, and it was an absolutely FRAZZLING evening and I'm going to be glad when things settle down...]
Greg is finishing up his job in Sandusky this week and starting his job in Mansfield - so that is a transition taking place, but things seem to be moving well for him. I'm really glad and he seems to be really settling into counseling and working with people. He appears to be much more satisfied with work and I'm happy for him!
Today is my brother Dave's 29th bday!!! I can't hardly believe it. I remember when he was born - and UGH it makes me old to realize it was 29 years ago!!! Happy Birthday Dave. And I did NOT break your arm... XOXOXO
Mikhael Shane graduated from high school yesterday. WOOHOO!!! Congratulations, Mikhael!!! He had several friends and family members who were planning to stay and be there to celebrate with him. We were sorry we could not be there, too, but I thought about him all day yesterday and how proud I am that he accomplished this. I can remember my graduation day - it was quite an accomplishment to me - and I hope he is proud of himself and the hard work he put in to reach that goal. My understanding is that he will be out of town for the summer, and then plans to go back in the fall to start at college. He & I haven't been able to connect in recent days so I don't have the nitty gritty details just yet...
Without divulging TMI - Claira has been having problems for some time with constipation - we are on a "regimen" of sorts to help get that taken care of, and it's been a rather unpleasant week so far. She is being mostly good considering some of the ordeal, but it has been tough and I've wanted to "run away from home" several times. It's horrible when your child suffers (can I get an Amen, sistas?) and when you have to inflict some discomfort in order to help her in the end (no pun intended...) but it appears she does seem to be improving and we'll get through it.
[FYI -I had a ridiculous ordeal getting a prescription filled at Walmart Monday evening - after working most of the day, being late to her appt because of a semi wreck on the highway, standing in line for 20 minutes at the rx counter AFTER I'd dropped off the prescription and spent 40 minutes filling my shopping cart full of groceries (including popsicles & frozen meals), a daughter screaming and crying because she NEEDED her medicine, my feet were throbbing, and I was having Braxton Hicks contractions that would not let up until I got us & everything else into the car and guzzled some white raspberry tea and scarfed some pnut M&Ms. Claira cried almost the entire time home because she was hurting so bad, and it was an absolutely FRAZZLING evening and I'm going to be glad when things settle down...]
Greg is finishing up his job in Sandusky this week and starting his job in Mansfield - so that is a transition taking place, but things seem to be moving well for him. I'm really glad and he seems to be really settling into counseling and working with people. He appears to be much more satisfied with work and I'm happy for him!
Today is my brother Dave's 29th bday!!! I can't hardly believe it. I remember when he was born - and UGH it makes me old to realize it was 29 years ago!!! Happy Birthday Dave. And I did NOT break your arm... XOXOXO
Thursday, May 03, 2007
So, Greg was hired at the local job in Mansfield, and will end the first part-time job in Sandusky May 18. The Mansfield job will begin part-time and go full-time rather quickly, according to his new supervisor. So, he is sorta working 4 part-time jobs at this point, will whittle it down to 3 in a couple of weeks, and may be down to 2 some time in June.
Claira is definitely in a new "phase" and we're trying to work through it. At our church small group, there are several other babies younger than Claira. She seems to like them and wants to hug or kiss on them, but in her enthusiasm, she tends to pull them down and then it's like she becomes a WWF or RAW wrestler with them... Yikes! We're a little concerned with how to handle this. She obviously does NOT like to share, and she is big for her age, and she plays rough. She plays a lot with her older cousins (6 and 4), and it seems thinks she is bigger than she really is, and after talking about it last night, Greg & I agree that she probably doesn't play enough with kids her own age to know how to be a little bit gentler... She's not a bully (yet) and I think we can steer her at this early point to becoming a bit gentler and learning how to play like a 2 year old. =) Am I crazy to think that?
I'm feeling odd these days. Having some nausea, and even vomiting, and my stomach seems to be reverting back to its more sensitive stage like in the first trimester. I'm at 25 1/2 weeks, and my belly is starting to feel full and heavy and I'm definitely having hot flashes. I've also become prone to bursting into tears (gotta love the hormones) at very random and unpredictable moments, so needless to say, it's a little scary to be me these days. I can only imagine how scary it is to be AROUND me these days... Allergies are the bane of my existence right now and they may be contributing to the nausea
My digital camera is on the fritz and pretty well needs to be replaced. Here I am at 6 months and haven't taken ANY belly pics. ARGH!!! I got my hair chopped off yesterday and feel SO MUCH BETTER and it's easy to style, and even though it's short, Greg commented that he thinks its cute, so all in all that was a good choice for me. I need to spend less time getting ready in the mornings and having all that heat-inducing hair off my neck is great!
So, these are the most current happenings in my life and I'm literally taking it one moment at a time. =)
Claira is definitely in a new "phase" and we're trying to work through it. At our church small group, there are several other babies younger than Claira. She seems to like them and wants to hug or kiss on them, but in her enthusiasm, she tends to pull them down and then it's like she becomes a WWF or RAW wrestler with them... Yikes! We're a little concerned with how to handle this. She obviously does NOT like to share, and she is big for her age, and she plays rough. She plays a lot with her older cousins (6 and 4), and it seems thinks she is bigger than she really is, and after talking about it last night, Greg & I agree that she probably doesn't play enough with kids her own age to know how to be a little bit gentler... She's not a bully (yet) and I think we can steer her at this early point to becoming a bit gentler and learning how to play like a 2 year old. =) Am I crazy to think that?
I'm feeling odd these days. Having some nausea, and even vomiting, and my stomach seems to be reverting back to its more sensitive stage like in the first trimester. I'm at 25 1/2 weeks, and my belly is starting to feel full and heavy and I'm definitely having hot flashes. I've also become prone to bursting into tears (gotta love the hormones) at very random and unpredictable moments, so needless to say, it's a little scary to be me these days. I can only imagine how scary it is to be AROUND me these days... Allergies are the bane of my existence right now and they may be contributing to the nausea
My digital camera is on the fritz and pretty well needs to be replaced. Here I am at 6 months and haven't taken ANY belly pics. ARGH!!! I got my hair chopped off yesterday and feel SO MUCH BETTER and it's easy to style, and even though it's short, Greg commented that he thinks its cute, so all in all that was a good choice for me. I need to spend less time getting ready in the mornings and having all that heat-inducing hair off my neck is great!
So, these are the most current happenings in my life and I'm literally taking it one moment at a time. =)
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